joi, 20 aprilie 2017

Michelle Beltran - The Best American Psychic of 2017

The Best American Psychic

The Best American Psychic of 2017 is Michelle Beltran. She is a very gifted psychic. And very popular. She has many abilities. Michelle is not only a very powerful clairvoyant, but also a gifted clairaudient, clairsentient and medium. And she is very gifted in Remote Viewing.

Michelle Beltran - The Best American Psychic of 2017

Michelle Beltran has many occupations. She is a popular author, life couch, psychic and medium. She even hosts a podcast on iTunes called “The Intuitive Hour: Awaken Your Inner Voice”. She writes constantly for the very well known OM Times Magazine. Also, in September 2015 she published her very first book (Take The Leap: What it really means to be psychic).
She constantly helps to locate missing persons. And she works with the popular Find Me Group. They not only locate missing people, but they also investigate crimes that couldn't be solved by the police. And they bring closure to the families of the missing or diseased. Michelle worked on increasing her psychic abilities all of her life. She attended numerous psychic courses. And learned from gifted teachers such as Dr. Paul Smith, Deborah King and Dr. John Grey. And she studied at the Reno and Chico Psychic Institutes.

The Psychic Abilities of Michelle Beltran

She is a powerful clairvoyant. Therefore, she sees things that the normal people don't. She sees the spiritual world and its beings. She also has powerful visions. But, as a clairvoyant, she doesn't see with her human eyes, but with her mind's eye, or the Third Eye. Also she can hear and feel the spiritual world. Michelle is a very powerful medium. Therefore, she easily contacts diseased people and spirits. And she is also a gifted remote viewer. Which is the ability to travel spiritually to certain places. So, she gives accurate details about places and situations that she never been at.

In conclusion, now you can see why was Michelle Beltran voted for The Best American Psychic in 2017. She is a very powerful and gifted spiritual adviser. She is very devoted to help others. And she really deserves her title.

Getting Truthful Real Psychic Readings – 3 Simple Steps

Getting Truthful Real Psychic Readings

Truthful Real Psychic Readings are not as rare as you think. There are many trustworthy and very gifted psychics and spiritual card readers who have the ability to transmit you the message of your spiritual guides. Every human being has spiritual guides or celestial guardians who has the responsibility to guide us through difficult situations. When you feel lost, the best way to restore your hope and faith is by asking for answers. The psychic reader knows how to transmit you the guidance that you really need.

Getting Truthful Real Psychic Readings – 3 Simple Steps

Check if the psychic is trustworthy – many psychics are not as gifted as they make you think. You would be shocked if you could see all the liars from the psychic community. And if you keep your eyes open, then you will be able to distinguish them. Therefore, check out the reviews of the psychic that you have found. Even if you have his/her number from a recommendation, you should still do a background check. If the reviews are good, with many satisfied customers, then your psychic should be truthful.
Prepare your questions - Truthful Real Psychic Readings require effort from you too, not only from the psychic. If you go to the reader without any questions prepared, then the session might have no results. Therefore, make a list of 5-10 questions. Arrange them by putting the most important ones first. Because psychics work with time fees. Therefore, she/he will answer as many questions as possible in the time that you bought.
Focus on your questions – when you start your reading session you have to clear your mind. Your focus should be on the question you asked. Let's see why! The psychic usually connects o your energy. And when you are focused on your question, then your whole energy is focused on it. And it starts to attract the answer. Which makes it easier to the psychic to discover it. Also, if you want to contact a diseased relative or friend, you have to focus on your memories with that person. This way, the psychic will contact him/her much quicker. Which sounds pretty logic.

Truthful Real Psychic Readings

Getting Truthful Real Psychic Readings is not very hard. The only thing your have to do is to be very careful who you choose and what you want to ask. If you keep these 3 easy steps in mind, your reading session will be real and helpful.

New Age Tarot

New Age Tarot

New Age Tarot – It is a special tarot deck developed by Walter Wegmuller. He is a popular painter and musician. Also known as the Swiss Gypsy. He even composed a whole album called Tarot in 1872. The album was released with the band Cosmic Couriers. And every album contained a deck of New Age Tarot Cards. But later he decided to form his own band, called Cosmic Jokers. Walter Wegmuller ran from the authorities for a very long time. His problems with the authorities are due to his hung outs with Timothy Leary (the LSD Guru) and H. R. Giger. Walter had many experiences with psychedelic substances when he painted the tarot deck, which can be observed on the designs.

New Age Tarot – What can you find in the deck?

The New Age Tarot deck – also known as Neuzeit Tarot Deck.
It was firstly published in 1982 by AGM Muller. It contains 78 cards. Which consists of 22 major arcanas and 56 minor arcanas.
The name of every card appears on three specific languages (German, English and French).
The New Age Tarot deck became very famous due to the disturbing designs. The artist was clearly under the influence of psychedelic substances when he decided to publish his own deck of tarot cards. We can even observe a some kind of psychedelic mushroom on The Fool card. But it is not the most shocking design from the deck. There are many other cards that depict disturbing scenes.
The suits of the deck are four and they are called: Swords, Cups, Wands and Pentacles. And the deck has four court cards: Page, Knight, Queen and King.
There are many tarot readers who use these cards. They usually call themselves New Age Tarot Readers or Neuzeit Tarot Readers.

But you can very easily purchase your own New Age Tarot deck and use it yourself. It usually comes with descriptions and a manual about how to use it. But you can find books about how to read with the help of this special deck.

Finding A Trusted Tarot Card Reader

Finding A Trusted Tarot Card Reader

Finding a Trusted Tarot Card Reader is not an easy task. There are many false psychics who do readings only for money. They lie to their clients or say only obvious things. These readers are not trustful and you have to avoid them. But how to recognize them? Well, they usually are very expensive. If you see a psychic that has not many recommendation, but a very high price, then he/she is not good at it. But there are many other things to watch out for.

How to Find A Trusted Tarot Card Reader?

Search for reviews – the reviews are the best way to see if a psychic is really trustworthy or not. Most of the psychics have their own web page or social media page. There you can see real time reviews from their customers. If the percentage of good reviews is high, then you've found your psychic adviser. But if the reviews are full of unsatisfied customers, then the reader could not be that gifted. Therefore, before making an appointment, be sure to check out the reviews of the psychic or reader you have found.
Ask for recommendations – Many people appeal to tarot readings. Every one of us has a relative or a friend who once experienced a tarot reading or other psychic reading methods. But if you don't get a recommendation, then search for forums. There are many forums on the internet where you can discuss with people who have experience with previous tarot readings. Try to search for forums near you. Therefore, you will might find out about a very gifted psychic near you, who's fee is lower.

How to Find A Trusted Tarot Card Reader?

Watch out for how he advertises himself – if you check out the social media page of a psychic and it is full of ads about his fee, then this psychic might not be so gifted. The tarot readers who are making a good job, usually are full of jobs from recommendations. They usually don't need advertisement. So, if a tarot reader over-advertises himself, then he doesn't get many recommendations. Which is a huge black minus.

In conclusion, if you are interested in a Trusted Tarot Card Reader, be aware of these 3 simple tips. They will help you to find the psychic or Gypsy Psychic Reading that will help you the most. So, be more careful. Because the psychic community is full of false “spiritual advisers”.

Live Psychic Phone Readings: Pros And Nos

Live Psychic Phone Readings: Pros And Nos

Live Psychic Phone Readings are a great way to search for spiritual guidance in difficult periods. Everyone of us face difficulties in our lives. Some problems are smaller, but others can influence us negatively. And makes us to see no way out. Psychic readings are a handy way to seek some guidance and hope. The medium will contact your spiritual guides and transmit their message to you.

Live Psychic Phone Readings – Benefits

Live Psychic Phone Readings are a very quick way to find help when you are feeling lost. It is very useful because you don't have to travel a long way to visit a psychic that you've found on the internet or someone recommended to you. In Live Psychic Phone Readings you just dial the number and the answers to your questions will be closer to you. Most of the psychics are familiar with phone sessions. And they are usually easily contacted through the phone. Most of these psychics have specific hours mentioned when you can call. Then you can make an appointment for a reading session. Or the psychic will immediately start the reading.

Live Psychic Phone Readings – Is it really effective?

Psychic readings through phone are very effective, but not as powerful as a personal live reading. When you are visiting personally a psychic, it can connect to your energy much easier and more precisely. Many psychics contact your spiritual guides through your own energy. Which is harder to do through phone. Also, many psychics read the aura or energy field of their client. Therefore, they need you in person. Other psychics touch your aura for a better reading. Every psychic reading works better live in person.
In conclusion, if you want an answer or a guidance quickly, then Live Psychic Phone Readings are for you. But if you want a deeper and more accurate reading, then opt for visiting the medium. Therefore, the choice is yours. Anything you choose, prepare yourself for the reading. Prepare your questions. And take a few deep breaths to calm yourself down before the session. This will make it easier for the psychic to read and provide the services you need.