joi, 20 aprilie 2017

New Age Tarot

New Age Tarot

New Age Tarot – It is a special tarot deck developed by Walter Wegmuller. He is a popular painter and musician. Also known as the Swiss Gypsy. He even composed a whole album called Tarot in 1872. The album was released with the band Cosmic Couriers. And every album contained a deck of New Age Tarot Cards. But later he decided to form his own band, called Cosmic Jokers. Walter Wegmuller ran from the authorities for a very long time. His problems with the authorities are due to his hung outs with Timothy Leary (the LSD Guru) and H. R. Giger. Walter had many experiences with psychedelic substances when he painted the tarot deck, which can be observed on the designs.

New Age Tarot – What can you find in the deck?

The New Age Tarot deck – also known as Neuzeit Tarot Deck.
It was firstly published in 1982 by AGM Muller. It contains 78 cards. Which consists of 22 major arcanas and 56 minor arcanas.
The name of every card appears on three specific languages (German, English and French).
The New Age Tarot deck became very famous due to the disturbing designs. The artist was clearly under the influence of psychedelic substances when he decided to publish his own deck of tarot cards. We can even observe a some kind of psychedelic mushroom on The Fool card. But it is not the most shocking design from the deck. There are many other cards that depict disturbing scenes.
The suits of the deck are four and they are called: Swords, Cups, Wands and Pentacles. And the deck has four court cards: Page, Knight, Queen and King.
There are many tarot readers who use these cards. They usually call themselves New Age Tarot Readers or Neuzeit Tarot Readers.

But you can very easily purchase your own New Age Tarot deck and use it yourself. It usually comes with descriptions and a manual about how to use it. But you can find books about how to read with the help of this special deck.

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